
Design Tips

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My Life



Instagram really wanted to make us work for it. Only 150 characters to explain everything that we are and believe and what we’re trying to do and who for?  I know it’s not a lot, but think of your bio as your “hook.” We need to keep it tight and wrapped up nicely for our […]

Business Tips, Uncategorized

June 22, 2022

What to have in your Instagram bio to attract your ideal audience

The whole purpose of having a website is to drive people to what you offer. If your website isn’t performing in this way, you’ve got a problem.  You may have a cute website, but without some of these features, you’re missing out on traffic which ultimately, cuts out on potential sales.  When I design websites, […]

Business Tips, Uncategorized

June 22, 2022

6 Things You Need on Your Website to Boost Sales

website on table

One major struggle small businesses face is creating a cohesive brand that helps ideal clients identify who they are.  Your goal as a small business is to get people to stop scrolling by catching their attention and drawing them to your unique identity. Building a brand does exactly that. It helps you to make your […]

Branding, Uncategorized

June 22, 2022

5 Steps to Build and Solidify Your Personal Brand to Stand Out

nerd puppy business card

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June 13, 2022

Hello world!

Design Tips

Business Tips

My Life

